I was really mad with a bottle of ice tea!

For the past two days, I attacked at it like a frantic baboon…it refused to open.

I first took it to a local park with me to watch my kids’ volleyball practice. But instead of sipping tea and enjoying the games, I kept twisting at it with all my might, until my fingers were raw and pink. The cursed cap won’t budge. I grew ever more pissed off (and thirsty) during the volleyball practice.

Last night, just when I opened the fridge to start making dinner, I saw that bottle of ice tea sitting there, and wanted to drink it.

Stubborn fool!! (The bottle, not me.) My fingers turned raw and pink again. I shook my hand to ease the pain.

Then I remembered that I have this special lid opener tool.

Lid Opener

My husband had brought it for me about a year ago to compensate for my weak arms. At the time, I had chided him when he presented it to me. “I don’t need this! I know how to open bottles!” I had said defensively to him.

Well, last evening, I searched desperately for it, opening this and that drawer. I found it.

I strapped the belt on the cap, pulled to tighten it, and twisted the handle. Epic fail.

The cap is too small for the tool. The belt couldn’t fit around the cap tight enough to do the job.

Aaahhh… I stomped my foot and punched the air around my kitchen.

My unsympathetic 10-year-old giggled from the family room, and said, “You still can’t open it, huh.”

Then my 13-year-old just walked into the kitchen to raid the fridge. She took note of the two of us, and said, “What’s happening?”

“She still can’t open that bottle! It has been two days.” 10-year-old laughing.

The 13-year-old closed the fridge door, took the bottle, twisted it OPEN, put it down, said, “Here you go.”

10-year-old exploded into an obnoxious laughter. But I wasn’t laughing. I was in a state of shock.


How did this happen? I was the one who always twisted the bottles open for them.

Previous related post: Crazy for Bubble Pop

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