Archive for » November, 2015 «

I suffered an epic failure in a baking project recently and severely damaged my reputation in the kitchen.

See this puddle of sadness…

Nutella Tart soup

It was supposed to be a Nutella Tart! It’s main purpose wasn’t to be food, it was aiming to be my baby’s science project.

The science project was called “The Incredible Edible Cell,” where my 12 year-old was tasked to make a model of a cell using only things that can be eaten.

Since the baby has celiac disease, we decided that her edible cell must be gluten-free.

The Nutella Tart sounded like a winner, because it is the baby’s favorite food. But soon we discovered a flaw. This tart needed to be refrigerated. In just 90 minutes at room temperature, the tart turned into soup and allowed our cell particle representatives and toothpick labels to swim or drown in the liquid.

Last minute, we needed a plan B!!!

I found this in the pantry.

Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Mix

Hmmm…what if I could use the entire package and bake it into one giant round cookie??

Yippee!! It came out of the oven beautifully; completely intact with not even a crack.

Our Big Big Cookie

I turned the big cookie over to the baby. It was her project, so she got to design and build the edible cell.

She took out the bag of gluten-free candies we bought earlier, along with colorful icings, and set to work.

Jaw Breaker for the nucleus & Gummy Snake body for the membrane

The kid had a blast!!!

Icing to glue the candies to the cookie

Who wouldn’t? This project was fun.

Go ahead, play with your food

Best of all, when she brought the project to school, after presenting the project, she got to eat it with her classmates and friends.

The Incredible Gluten-free Edible Cell

Previous related posts: The Mile Run
The School Project
Beautiful Sugar Cookies

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