“Mom! Look!” my baby came running to me with a small figuerine, “I made it! It’s you!”

A figurine of me

Yesterday was our school’s parent teacher conference day. The kids had the day off from school. I was busy working on the AsianParent.com website all afternoon, so the kids spent most of the day entertaining themselves. And my 8-year-old made “me.”

I picked it up for closer examination. It’s more creative than it looks. The body is made from a wooden clothespin. And the baby cut up two of my perfectly good handkerchiefs to make the dress, and wrap the base. A fine wig was made from black thread. And Q-tips were used for arms. Everything was held together with glue.

How sweet! I should have said. But instead, I barked, “Why do I have a black eye?!”

Figurine close-up

The baby’s beaming happy face turned sour…

Then very loudly and deliberately, “BECAUSE! You just fell off the bed!”

Of course I did.

Previous related post: Ooops!!

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Category: Humor, Kids, Parents
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