Every Tuesday and Thursday, my two children have soccer practice and rehearsals for their school’s Willy Wonka production. Thank goodness, I have an easy one-dish meal recipe that is simply a life saver. So, on most Tuesdays and Thursdays, I prepare my healthy vegetables with Chicken dish, and put it in the oven to roast while I taxi the kids around.

This dish is so easy, anyone can do it. And it will turn out good. I promise.

Easy one-dish family meal

Ingredients: Vegetables and Chicken drumsticks

Vegetables: Any kind of vegetables that your family likes (or that you can find in your refrigerator). For my family, I usually use the following: Red Potatoes, Carrot, cherry tomatoes, Portobello mushrooms, onions, and string beans.

Chicken: 6 to 8 pieces of drumsticks or 4 pieces of drumsticks with thighs


1)Wash and cut the vegetables to bite size, and put them in a large 2 inch flat pan.
2)Add several cloves of garlic
3)Season the vegetables to taste with salt and pepper, then add Olive oil
4)Season the chicken pieces to taste with salt and pepper, and lay the drumsticks on top of the vegetables.
5)Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put the dish in uncovered for an hour and half. Best if you can turn the chicken halfway through for a more even roast.
6)Serve with a side of white rice or bread and butter.

Served with white rice for kids

To avoid boring my family’s palate with the same dish over and over again, I mix it up a little by marinating just the chicken pieces in Teriyaki or Korean BBQ sauce or some other sauce I make up.

You may have noticed that my recipe has no exact measurements–well, I am one of those cooks that doesn’t usually use recipes or measuring cups. I kinda just guess and hope it will turn out right. It usually does! I am a capable chef.

To impress you with my cooking credentials, here are some of the dishes I have made…

Beef with onion

Pig Feet with Soy Beans

Not the best looking, but very yummy pizza!

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